EDCI 570 — 2. The Education Technology Issue I am Most Interested In… at this point!

Pho­to by Alessan­dro Bianchi on Unsplash

IDEA CREATION: Find­ing an edu­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy issue, top­ic, or theme has been a chal­lenge for me at first. I thought about many dif­fer­ent areas which could be researched and explored fur­ther but none real­ly struck a chord with me until we were shown a bunch of sam­ple projects from MEd stu­dents of a pre­vi­ous cohort dur­ing one of our zoom meet­ings for EDCI 515. This is where I saw the web­site cre­at­ed by Jere­my O’Shea, INDIGENIZING SHOP, which accom­pa­nied his paper “Imple­ment­ing Indige­nous Edu­ca­tion with Tech­nol­o­gy Edu­ca­tion in British Colum­bia”. Dur­ing one of our break­out rooms, a fur­ther dis­cus­sion with Leslee inspired me to fur­ther engage in the idea of cre­at­ing a web­site myself.

Pho­to by ian doo­ley on Unsplash

EXPLORING THE IDEA: I have sev­er­al ideas as to where to poten­tial­ly take this top­ic. Being in the north we are very lim­it­ed on options for pur­chas­ing resources for our classes/shops so I thought about cre­at­ing a web­site for us local Tech Ed teach­ers to uti­lize as a plat­form to share our resources. This could pro­vide a place for all of us to refer to for local shops for sup­plies, with a descrip­tion of what can be pur­chased where, as well as anoth­er place for online resources/websites. In addi­tion to phys­i­cal resources, I could cre­ate tabs/sections for each of our dis­ci­plines (Wood/Metal/3D Printing/Robotics, etc) where I can design a tem­plate for project plans to be uploaded and shared amongst our­selves and stu­dents. Anoth­er sec­tion could include a place for all of us to show­case stu­dent projects or poten­tial­ly to post ePort­fo­lios if we go that route. Of course, now a lot more eth­i­cal con­cerns will come into play due to pri­va­cy con­cerns for stu­dents. 

Pho­to by Adem AY on Unsplash

ACCESSING THE IDEA: Of course, what­ev­er is cre­at­ed needs to be acces­si­ble to oth­er col­leagues, as well as stu­dents. I could devel­op all of this through Google Class­room as our dis­trict uses this plat­form and all stu­dents have access to it. There are lim­i­ta­tions though, such as the fact it is only acces­si­ble if you are with­in our local net­work (have a gmail account through us as an active stu­dent or teacher/employee). So if you leave the dis­trict for oth­er employ­ment or as a stu­dent and grad­u­ate, you will no longer have access to this resource. Anoth­er option could be to cre­ate it as an actu­al web­site and have it host­ed some­where else. Either way, there are many con­sid­er­a­tions to take when mak­ing a deci­sion for this.

Pho­to by Head­way on Unsplash

IDEA RATIONALE: The main rea­son for the need of such a resource is the fact there are many issues relat­ed to north­ern and rur­al com­mu­ni­ties with­in edu­ca­tion. Resources for teach­ers and stu­dents in more remote, rur­al com­mu­ni­ties are dras­ti­cal­ly more scarce than our coun­ter­parts in oth­er more pop­u­lat­ed regions of the province so an oppor­tu­ni­ty for more resource shar­ing is need­ed. North­ern and rur­al com­mu­ni­ties face more chal­lenges in teacher devel­op­ment and pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment. Fur­ther, and sim­ply due to small­er num­bers of pro­fes­sion­als with­in small com­mu­ni­ties, there are less oppor­tu­ni­ties for col­league col­lab­o­ra­tion with­in a spe­cif­ic top­ic.  

Pho­to by GR Stocks on Unsplash

IDEA CHALLENGES: My pri­ma­ry chal­lenge with this project top­ic is where to take the research. As this is a very spe­cif­ic and local­ized issue, I am going to have to be cre­ative in my research. Per­haps focussing on issues relat­ed to north­ern and rur­al com­mu­ni­ties would be my main ide­ol­o­gy for this project and then I can spread from there to iter­ate the dire need to fur­ther devel­op this resource.

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