As I work through my Master’s research, I’ve realÂized it makes more sense to focus specifÂiÂcalÂly on EngÂlish LanÂguage LearnÂers (ELLs) rather than tryÂing to address the broadÂer catÂeÂgoÂry of diverse learnÂers. This deciÂsion comes from my expeÂriÂences in the classÂroom with the growÂing numÂber of ELLs and my growÂing underÂstandÂing of the unique chalÂlenges ELL stuÂdents face, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly in hands-on coursÂes like woodÂworkÂing.
When I startÂed this process, I aimed to address the needs of all stuÂdents with diverse learnÂing backÂgrounds. But as I’ve looked deepÂer into frameÂworks like UniÂverÂsal Design for LearnÂing (UDL) and TechÂnolÂoÂgy-InteÂgratÂed LearnÂing (TIL), I’ve seen how ELL stuÂdents often deal with chalÂlenges that go beyond just learnÂing a new lanÂguage. They also need supÂport to navÂiÂgate culÂturÂal difÂferÂences and underÂstand project instrucÂtions, all while adaptÂing to the very physÂiÂcal, skills-based learnÂing enviÂronÂment of my woodÂworkÂing classÂroom.
In my woodÂworkÂing classÂes, I’ve found that creÂatÂing projects with perÂsonÂal and culÂturÂal conÂnecÂtions helps bridge some of these gaps. For examÂple, when stuÂdents design their own projects, I encourÂage them to include symÂbols or patÂterns that are meanÂingÂful to them. It’s amazÂing to see how this opens up opporÂtuÂniÂties for ELL stuÂdents to share their stoÂries and feel more conÂnectÂed to what they’re makÂing.
I’m also incorÂpoÂratÂing TIL to betÂter supÂport ELL stuÂdents. PlatÂforms like Google ClassÂroom allow me to share digÂiÂtal plans, assessÂments, and transÂlatÂed resources, makÂing learnÂing more accesÂsiÂble. TransÂlaÂtion tools proÂvide anothÂer layÂer of supÂport, helpÂing stuÂdents underÂstand instrucÂtions and project details in their own lanÂguage. As stuÂdents gain conÂfiÂdence with these tools, we also explore more advanced techÂnolÂoÂgy like CAD softÂware and laser machines, givÂing them even more ways to engage with their work. These tools aren’t just about makÂing things easÂiÂer, they creÂate new opporÂtuÂniÂties for stuÂdents to learn and grow.
FocusÂing on ELL stuÂdents feels like the right path for me. It’s not just about helpÂing them learn woodÂworkÂing skills, it’s about makÂing sure they feel valÂued and includÂed. This shift has me thinkÂing more about how to make my classÂroom a place where all stuÂdents, no matÂter their backÂground, can sucÂceed. It’s a chalÂlenge I’m excitÂed to keep workÂing on as my research develÂops.