EDCI 565 — 2. What was my best structured learning experience?

My best struc­tured learn­ing expe­ri­ence? I began my teach­ing career in 2001 and have thus had too many learn­ing expe­ri­ences than I can list, or even remem­ber! For 18 years I have pri­mar­i­ly been a Wood­work teacher and due to its obvi­ous nature of safe­ty con­cerns, struc­ture is built into every les­son, demon­stra­tion, activ­i­ty, and sim­ply every minute of every class. How­ev­er, I am not going to talk about these class­es. Rather, I will dis­cuss a struc­tured learn­ing expe­ri­ence I had around 15 years ago while teach­ing an Eng­lish 9 class.

As this was many years ago, my mem­o­ry isn’t per­fect for the entire les­son, or even the main pur­pose of the les­son, to be hon­est. The les­son struc­ture was designed to encom­pass the inter­wo­ven cur­ric­u­lar top­ics pre­sent­ed in class that year as an engag­ing cumu­la­tive les­son. I inter­twined themes or aspects of lit­er­a­ture analy­sis, parts of speech, lit­er­ary gen­res, Shake­speare, poet­ry, art, media lit­er­a­cy and oth­er pre­scribed learn­ing objec­tives with­in var­i­ous plat­forms for the stu­dents to make their con­nec­tions. As I got to know the stu­dents quite well through­out the year, I was able to take their inter­ests in music, art, lit­er­a­ture and even sports as the medi­um to inter­link these con­nec­tions. 

Some of these con­nec­tions were just at face val­ue to engage them into the les­son with eas­i­er suc­cess, and oth­er con­nec­tions were deep­er woven with imagery or even an abstract pun. Like I said, this was 15 years ago so I do not remem­ber all of the media I used for these con­nec­tions, or even what the con­nec­tions were. How­ev­er, I do recall a few. For exam­ple, I played the song Flight of Icarus by Iron Maid­en as there were a few met­al fans in class. I had the lyrics up on the pro­jec­tor screen for stu­dents to fol­low along. Then I pre­sent­ed the poem Musee des Beaux Artes by W.H. Auden in which there is a ref­er­ence to Breughel’s Icarus, and fol­lowed that with a pic­ture of the actu­al Fall of Icarus paint­ing by Breughel.

Stu­dents were tru­ly engaged in this struc­tured learn­ing expe­ri­ence as the les­son revolved around their inter­ests at the core. The strate­gies I used through­out the les­son enabled all learn­ing styles to be met, not just sim­ply for the visu­al or audi­to­ry learn­er. At times the focus was strict­ly on one style, oth­er times there was a mix­ture of learn­ing styles being employed. Group activ­i­ties were designed for the social learn­ers and inde­pen­dent work for the soli­tary learn­ers. There were read­ing and writ­ing activ­i­ties, and even some phys­i­cal mov­ing around the room for those kines­thet­ic learn­ers. The 74 minute class was packed with activ­i­ty from bell to bell with such engage­ment that it felt like a 20 minute class.

I used this exam­ple to describe as it was such a depar­ture from the norm of my reg­u­lar rou­tines as pri­mar­i­ly a wood­work teacher. This was a full-year course where­as my shop class­es were only by the term or semes­ter so I had a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent rela­tion­ship with these stu­dents. This was a safe, wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment where every stu­dent felt com­fort­able shar­ing their thoughts and opin­ions, and encour­aged to do so. If these per­son­al con­nec­tions were not estab­lished, no lev­el of struc­tured learn­ing plan could have had such pos­i­tive, engag­ing results.

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